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A.  The sacrifice of children was forbidden, Lev 18:21; 20:1-5.


B.  Worship of Molech was associated with human sacrifice, 2 Kg 23:10; Jer 32:35, where Molech and Baal are synonymous.


C.  Solomon built a high place for the worship of Molech, 2 Kg 11:7.


D.  King Ahaz in 730 BC burned his children in idol sacrifice, 2 Chr 28:3.


E.  King Mannaseh offered his children, 2 Kg 21:6.


F.  The Northern Kingdom of Israel was judged for its human sacrifice, 2 Kg 17:17. Human sacrifice is a sign of national insanity.


G.  Josiah destroyed the high places used for human sacrifice, 2 Kg 23:10, 13. After his death the practice was revived. During the reign of Josiah, the Valley of Hinnom was used only for a garbage dump, burning garbage in all those furnaces.


H.  Human and child sacrifice was condemned in the ministry of the prophets. Jer 7:29-34, 19:1-15; Ezek 16:20-22, 23:37-39; Amos 5:26.


I.  In the Southern Kingdom of Israel, the valley of Hinnom (shortened to Gehennah which later became synonymous with the Lake of Fire, Rev 19:20, 20:10,14, 15) was generally the place for human sacrifice. Later the idolaters moved into the Temple, Jer 7:31; 19:2. Topheth was an actual place where the furnaces were set up. People used a TAPH (drum) to dance and get their emotions worked up and dominating their thinking. Then they would sacrifice their children and use the drums to drown out the noise of their children’s screams.


J.  In the valley of Hinnom, Jeremiah pronounced the prophesy-judgment of the shattering of the jug. This was God’s judgment on human sacrifice, Jer 19:11-14.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.

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